Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Vicky Cristina Bronson

Here is the quickest way to put yourself into a trance, otherwise known by its Teutonic name Crossreferencing. Breakfast time, scan the newspaper supplement for Literature, oh look a link, type the link, and a whole cartload of links falls into your lap. Based on these links order a book online, only to find at the end of the week, the hardcopy lists so and so as its inspiration who resides, ooh where else but in the blogosphere. Guttenberg to ASCII and back again..heigh-ho, merry-ho, smiley in place.

Onward, with Zero ( I always spell 0 & 1,"Zero" and "One", you have to be respectful to these guys, you'll be workin' for them now..for the rest of your lives.. (italics MUST sound as if coming from the bottom of a toilet for full effect.)) Anyway, no recall as to where I stumbled across the name Po Bronson, I chase the dragon for his work The Relentless Pursuit of Connection. Of course I don't find it, are you kidding me, all this activity would actually amount to something. A fan of creationism I'm not, but it seems we are probably genetically allied more to the headless-chicken than the naked ape. To my great surprise (yes this is an oft repeating pattern..if you are clueless every single thing is gonna knock you out) he writes about children, and he writes about children and parents (these two subspecies hasn't been seen together since Ted Nugent. Ted being God's Own Protoype(nod to you oh dead Hunter Thompson..there should be an expiry on well expired people..) sent to lay waste to pinko, liberal, progressive, animal loving PEOPLE OF COLOR..one in the eye for you, you old bastard). I really hate this guy, yes, I'm a hater. TedvsTED, no contest.

I give you Po Bronson

The Lost Hour - Sleep Deprived Children
How a single hour less of sleep has a huge impact on grades, and obesity.

Learning to Lie - Are Children Copying Parents
What begins as an early marker of intelligence, becomes a pattern kids grow into.

How Not to Talk to Your Kids
I haven't finished reading this yet.

I'm just a chuffed little garden gnome ready to SENNNNND IT OFFFFFF into the farthest reaches of the GALAXY. Just repeat this mantra a few times ala James Earl Jones where the caps occur..its a feel good moment.

And what about the book..the hero of our story...The Relentless Pursuit of Connection, it completely eludes my search engine..well Google is more "OUR" search engine, like the Everyman's farty old uncle. Yeah.. you can have him. He is YOURS.

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